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Sampling Traditional Dishes Across Costa Rica
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Are you ready for a culinary adventure? Costa Rica, known for its stunning landscapes and rich biodiversity, also offers a vibrant and diverse food scene. This blog will take you on a road trip across Costa Rica, sampling traditional dishes in various regions. So, buckle up and head to Costa Rica for an unforgettable culinary journey.

San José

Start your journey in the bustling capital, San José. Here, you’ll find a mix of traditional and modern eateries. Begin with a hearty breakfast of Gallo Pinto, a staple dish made of rice and beans, often served with eggs and sour cream. Visit Mercado Central to try various local foods like Chorreadas (corn pancakes) and Olla de Carne (a beef and vegetable stew).


A short drive from San José is Cartago, known for its historic sites and delicious food. Make sure to try Casado, a traditional dish that includes rice, beans, salad, plantains, and your choice of meat. This dish represents a "marriage" of flavours on one plate. Local sodas (small restaurants) are the best places to find an authentic Casado.


Next, head to the Caribbean coast to experience the unique flavours of Limon. The Afro-Caribbean influence is evident in dishes like Rondon (a coconut milk-based stew with fish and vegetables) and Patacones (fried green plantains). Don’t forget to try the local Rice and Beans, which is cooked in coconut milk, giving it a distinct taste.


Puntarenas, a coastal city on the Pacific side, is a must-visit for seafood lovers. Here, you can savour fresh Ceviche, made from marinated raw fish, onions, peppers, and cilantro. Another popular dish is Vigorón, a combination of yucca, pork rinds, and cabbage salad. The beachfront restaurants provide the perfect setting to enjoy these dishes while soaking in the ocean views.


Guanacaste, in the northwest, is known for its cowboy culture and traditional dishes. Try Olla de Carne, a slow-cooked beef stew with a variety of vegetables. Arroz de Maíz (corn rice) and Tortillas are other local favourites. The region's food is influenced by its rural roots, offering hearty and flavourful meals.

Nicoya Peninsula

Nicoya Peninsula is one of the world's Blue Zones, areas where people live longer, healthier lives. The diet here is simple but nutritious, featuring lots of beans, corn, and squash. Try Gallo Pinto for breakfast and Tamal de Maíz (corn tamale) for lunch. The traditional food here is part of the reason for the residents' longevity.

South Pacific

In the South Pacific region, you'll find dishes influenced by indigenous cultures. Gallina Criolla (local chicken stew) and Picadillo de Arracache (a hash made from a root vegetable called arracacha) are popular. The flavours are rustic and deeply rooted in the area's history.

Osa Peninsula

Finish your culinary road trip in the lush Osa Peninsula. Here, you can try exotic fruits and fresh seafood dishes like Cazuela de Mariscos (seafood casserole). The region’s biodiversity is reflected in its food, offering a rich variety of flavours.

A road trip across Costa Rica is not only a visual feast but also a culinary delight. Each region offers unique traditional dishes that reflect the country’s diverse culture and history. To make the most of your trip, rent a car in Costa Rica. It will give you the freedom to explore different locations and discover hidden culinary gems.

Start planning your Costa Rican cuisine road trip today. Taste the flavours of Costa Rica and create unforgettable memories. Remember, the journey is as delightful as the destination.

Happy travels and bon appétit!